Sunday Sermon

Assurance and Holiness - 1 John 2:12-17


Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) Sunday Service

Join us July 21st as the Sunday Service will be provided by the Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) and will be immediately followed by our Fellowship Pot Luck! Schedule this on your calendar and come out to support the CMA!!

CMA's Website:

The Nursery is Now Open!

Our nursery will be open during our morning services. Parents are welcome to leave your little ones in the nursery. Any questions please contact Emelda Rush through the office. Office # 520-384-2305.

Van Ministry

We are looking for a 12 to 15 passenger van.  We also need 2 volunteers to pick up people on Sunday mornings. Contact Pastor Bryon or the office at 520-384-2305.

Ask how you can participate in the following activities!

Volunteer to oversee Children's Church one Sunday a month - If you have some time to spend with the children and want to volunteer, please reach out to Emelda Rush or the office.

Willcox Christian School - please call Debbi at 520-384-2305, if you'd like to help out at the School.

Vacation Bible School

Adventure awaits each day for children ages 4 through 6th grade.

Where: 321 W Maley

When: July 8 - 12, 2024

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Cost: Free

Registration Deadline: July 5 at 11:59 PM

 Sign up online at

Audio/Video Services

We now have audio and video during our services. Please

If anyone wants to learn how to operate the audio and video equipment, please call the office.


Starting back up on Jan. 21st is our Fellowship Meals. Please join us, right after the service, for a meal in the Fellowship Hall. And then every 3rd Sunday afterwards. Bring your favorite dish to share, or not! Just show up and enjoy. As Matthew 18:20 states "For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there among them." What a blessed way to spend time with friends in Christ. 

Food Drive For Those In Need

We are still collecting canned and packaged goods along with fresh fruits, nuts, crackers, and school snacks, etc. Let's fill the box to the top for our local families in need. Please bring your donation to Sunday School or Church office.


There will be no Fellowship Meal in December. Please contact the church office, 520-384-2305, if you have questions. Thank you.